Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spring....uh, summer actually

Winter has been good this year. Larry is coming along great and is back to work with a few limitations still in effect. Spring lasted the traditional 3 days here, and now it is summer. Normann was great again! Thanks everyone! Spring Pecan Street was a normal ok. Looking forward to doing Tennessee next year. Anxious to get started on Colorado and our new booth.

We bought Michael DeVeny's booth "Alchemaille". It isn't a big booth but we don't need a lot of space. or those of you who go to Colorado it is on the left as you come in the front gate just past Lloyd Studios the awesome bone carver.

Been busy working with the shows and the usual mail order and such. It was a bit busy while Larry was recuperating, but that's over with. A lot of my time has been taken up with a new business that I'm trying to get off of the ground. I've always wanted to do horse art so I'm giving it a go. Over the next 2 years you will see more and more of Erika at Crystal Mountain.

I hate to post and run, but there isn't a lot of news. Once we get to Colorado I'll post some pictures and introduce you to our Christmas present.....