Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer musings....

Summer is half gone. That's hard to believe. Surely the biggest reason Larry and I do what we do is so we can live where we want to live, and that is in the mountains at Whitehorn. I've noticed a lot of rennies and artists we know on the circiut live in Colorado. But driving back and forth to CRF every weekend it seems like we aren't at Whitehorn as much as we would like to be. We noticed that last year when we stayed on site all during the fair. At least this summer we are getting in about 3 days a week at Whitehorn. We do get some work done - weather permitting. Life is simple even here. The internet is my only distraction, and living off a generator I don't get enough time online here as I do in the winter in Toon Town.

And the faire is half over as well. It has been a great faire and I feel totally at home here, even tho it is only my second year at CRF. Although Larry and I aren't totally involved with the rennie community, I have come to realize that it is my family. Living in Toon Town and on site make me realize how wonderful it really is to have such an oppurtunity. I'm sure there are lots of other close communities around the world such as the rennie life. But somehow I just fell into this life and I realize that, strangley, I have achived much of my childhood dreams. I get to make my living off of my art, I get to travel and meet all sorts of people, and I get to live in the mountains. The only part I haven't accomplished yet is how in the world am I going to manage to get those horses I always dreamed of having.........

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