Sunday, March 30, 2008

work work and more work

I'm amazed that after doing shows for 20 years how I can still get stressed before a show. It's all about getting everything done in time and not working til 3 am the night before we leave. Certainly we've done that before, but the older we get the less fun it is. Misty - I mentioned her in the last posting - is 22 and she so reminds me of how much I would stay up all night at that age. While it seems I work harder and get more done during the day than she does, I'm out like a light come 10 pm. Is this what age is all about? That's hard to believe. And you would think after doing shows for so long I would have it all done and organized. Well, we are much better than we use to be. And this is the type of mental information we are trying to pass on Misty....gee, were my parents really so right about young people? How unaware was I back then?

I know everything will go well. Most everything is finally done. All that is left is our new wood aromanecklaces that will make thier introduction at Norman. Also, Norman is predicting some most awesomely beautiful weather for next weekend. I hope everyone comes out and has a good time, and I hope they don't have to spend all thier money on gas to get there! And, for the 17th time, I'm looking forward to the Norman Medieval Faire once again! See you there!

Monday, March 24, 2008

*sheepish grin*....try again?

As I stated in my very first posting.....I'm not in the habit of typing my thoughts on the computer. Ah Contraire! I LIVE on my computer (as much as I can) but usually I'm checking emails, answering customer questions or orders, playing with Dreamweaver or Photoshop etc etc etc. It has been a year now and all I got posted was 3 little posts last spring. SO LET ME TRY THIS AGAIN! It is the same time as before - we will be leaving for Norman next week. A lot has happened since then and I'll be talking about a lot of it as time goes by. Misty the granddaughter is living with us and she is working with taking over Crystal Mountain as time goes on. Perhaps, just perhaps, I'll actually find it easier to do this stuff. More on her later. Also, this past winter my life has been distracted by me having been diagnosed with breast cancer and going through chemo. That is behind me now. I might do some postings on that subject but probably not a lot, since that is not what this blog is all about. Larry has discoverd wood turning, I'll talk about that since he is making some really cool stuff. Let me get this up and posted and I'm going over to and get a new posting up there real quick so I can breath life into all this again. My many thanks to ~*Skye*~ for creating and managing our and for the many many friends that have logged on there. Check in this weekend for another post....really!